“You don’t have the standing.” What did Hilary Rosen mean when she said this to Nina Tuner on CNN?

D. M. Conchobhair
7 min readMar 7, 2020

I ignored the headline when I saw a dispute between professional pundit Hilary Rosen and Bernie Sanders Campaign Co-Chair Nina Turner on Twitter yesterday.

Everyone is so angry these days. So reactive.

Sometimes I have to opt out.

The story was still trending this morning, and my curiosity got the better of me. I clicked. I watched. I gasped.

Turner, a former state senator from Ohio, made a reference to a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. about “white moderates.”

Rosen rebutted by cutting Turner off: “Nina, wait. Wait. What he said was that we should worry about the silence of white moderates. And what we have in Joe Biden is a man who is not silent.” She went on to make a case for supporting Joe Biden.

When Turner was offered an opportunity to respond, Rosen cut her off. “Don’t use Martin Luther King against Joe Biden. You don’t have that standing. You don’t, you don’t have that standing…



D. M. Conchobhair

Washington, D.C.-based professional writer and unprofessional painter with many passions, including health, decency, Earth, asking questions and lots more.